The Business Advisory Blog

The Business Advisory Blog

Insight, news and updates from Alliott NZ Chartered Accountants, Auckland New Zealand. The views expressed here are the views of the author and should be discussed in further detail should an article be relevant to your individual circumstances.

While every effort has been made to provide valuable, useful information in this publication, this firm and any related suppliers or associated companies accept no responsibility or any form of liability from reliance upon or use of its contents. Any suggestions should be considered carefully within your own particular circumstances, as they are intended as general information only.

4 Priorities for Successful Businesses in 2023
It’s a good time to think ahead to 2023 and identify areas of strategic focus for your business. While each business is different, key themes are emerging. We got together with some successful businesses and developed a list of strategic priorities. To see how this compares with your list, read on…
12 December 2022 Read More
Business Valuation. What Is Your Business Worth?
Building a business can be a long, challenging process. One way to assess how you are doing is to VALUE your business… and then try to grow that valuation. This keeps management on track and is interesting to sellers, investors or lenders. In this article, we look at how to go about valuing your business.
24 May 2021 Read More
business sale or succession
When is the Right Time to Sell Your Business
We may not get to choose exactly when to sell (or ‘exit’) our business or the terms of that sale. But we can try to control the process so we get the outcomes we want. This article provides guidelines on preparing to sell your business, whether the sale is imminent… or a decade or more away.
10 May 2021 Read More
business advice
Using Data to Drive Decision-making to Build Business
Business owners often complain they lack information to make decisions, in spite of many solutions which claim to provide intelligent, customised reporting. Identifying business problems that need solutions and then the data sets which support decision-making is a better approach and we accountants can add value in this process. 
06 April 2020 Read More
The Power of Price
Understanding how a customer or prospect VALUES your service is critical to getting pricing correct. Our article details an approach to understanding value and various other important factors to grow the profitability of your business.
02 March 2020 Read More
cost accounting
Understanding the factors that drive your business
There are many ways to improve business performance but which initiatives will bring the biggest impact? This article identifies some metrics or ‘drivers’ which grow revenue, profit and business value. Establish how you are performing now and measure the impact of any improvement. Focus on the things that matter! 
25 November 2019 Read More
business sale or succession
Is Selling Your Business the Next Best Step
It's a question many of us will be facing. Perhaps not now, or in the near future. But the opportunity to sell your business may come along, either planned or by chance. Whatever the circumstance, you should be ready. The sale process can be intense and happen quickly so make sure you do it right, cover your bases and prepare for a successful exit. It's never too early to start.
05 August 2019 Read More
business sale or succession
Readying for business sale
What steps do you need to take to get your business ready for sale? Business owners might not be thinking about selling right now, but a future sale should always be part of your strategic planning.
16 July 2018 Read More
customer experience
14 Key Performance Indicators that matter
Knowing where to focus your attention when it comes to evaluating your business performance can make you more effective and make the best use of your time.
23 April 2018 Read More
business sale or succession
NZ business succession planning
A tidal wave of small business owners in New Zealand are looking to retire or sell their business over the next five to ten years. Read on to get Xero's free report to help maximise the value of your business if you are looking to exit the workforce.
07 February 2018 Read More
business sale or succession
Thinking of selling your business?
One of the questions we often ask our clients is, "When do you plan to sell your business?" Whatever the response, what we like to get our clients thinking about is the sooner you plan out the succession or sale of your business, the more time you have to get things right and, in the case of sale, to maximise the sale price.
25 August 2016 Read More
27 July 2024 Read More