The Business Advisory Blog

The Business Advisory Blog

Insight, news and updates from Alliott NZ Chartered Accountants, Auckland New Zealand. The views expressed here are the views of the author and should be discussed in further detail should an article be relevant to your individual circumstances.

While every effort has been made to provide valuable, useful information in this publication, this firm and any related suppliers or associated companies accept no responsibility or any form of liability from reliance upon or use of its contents. Any suggestions should be considered carefully within your own particular circumstances, as they are intended as general information only.

Attracting talent to your business
What will attract candidates, especially entry-level candidates, to work in YOUR business? The answer is complicated. Everyone is different… and the concept of employment is evolving fast. 
07 November 2022 Read More
best practice
Hiring and Working with Subcontractors
The employment environment is always changing as workers consider their options and businesses look for flexible, cost-effective solutions. We look at some BEST PRACTICES when working with independent contractors (or subcontractors).
22 August 2022 Read More
Alliott NZ named 2022 NBA award winners
Alliott NZ named Best Small / Medium Business of the Year at Newmarket Business Awards!
04 July 2022 Read More
7 Ways to Navigate the Changing Employment Landscape
As Accountants, we know the value of having a stable and productive workforce. We also know the employment landscape is going through significant change. How are businesses evolving as top-class employers to attract (and retain) the best talent? In this article, we offer 7 ideas to help you position yourself as a top-class employer… and then deliver on your promises.
20 June 2022 Read More
business owners
Five big things on business owners’ minds in 2022
While this pandemic remains the largest issue business owners face, that doesn’t mean that leading issues pre-Covid have disappeared. The challenges we face are compound and varied, according to Kirk Hope.
08 February 2022 Read More
coronavirus COVID-19
Flexible work arrangements
The ‘coffice’ is rapidly becoming a top choice for flexible workers looking to escape the monotony and isolation of working from home, but just like any work environment, there are house rules.
20 September 2021 Read More
Team attraction and retention
Whether you’re looking to expand and hire, recruit to replace, or keep your hotshots in-house, here are our top tips for getting and keeping a skilled workforce.
13 September 2021 Read More
business owners
The Evolving Role of Leadership
How are the leaders in your business doing? Perhaps they are thriving in these business conditions or maybe a different approach is required. In this article, we look at some leadership skills which are proving to be really valuable as businesses find a path forward this year and beyond.
30 August 2021 Read More
What's Important to Your Team
Managing people is one of the toughest parts of running a business. Team development issues can have a real impact on your business reputation, client retention and profit. Here's how you put a system in place to listen to your team and use their feedback to make real changes to your business.
13 May 2019 Read More
best practice
The CFO - A Vital Role in the Cockpit of Your Business
We explain the role of a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and why it is important in a business. Best practices in managing your accounting function are listed as well as ideas on appointing a Virtual CFO to ensure strategic oversight of your finances.
02 May 2019 Read More
5 hiring tips
Bringing on new people is one of the most challenging and significant things you can do in your business. Your people are the heartbeat of your business. The values, skills and experiences they bring are the pinnacles to keeping your customers loyal to your business.
12 November 2018 Read More
alliott group
Alliott Group Partner Q&A
Worldwide Board Member and EMEA Chair Giorgio Marcolongo explains what motivates him, the best career advice he ever received and, just as importantly, what he does when he's not working.
07 November 2018 Read More
27 July 2024 Read More