The Business Advisory Blog

The Business Advisory Blog

Insight, news and updates from Alliott NZ Chartered Accountants, Auckland New Zealand. The views expressed here are the views of the author and should be discussed in further detail should an article be relevant to your individual circumstances.

While every effort has been made to provide valuable, useful information in this publication, this firm and any related suppliers or associated companies accept no responsibility or any form of liability from reliance upon or use of its contents. Any suggestions should be considered carefully within your own particular circumstances, as they are intended as general information only.

How to Get Better Deals from Suppliers
In the competitive business world, getting the best terms with suppliers improves margins and lays a foundation for long-term success.
11 June 2024 Read More
cash flow
Strategies to boost business cash flow
By implementing these strategies, improve your business cash flow and ensure greater financial stability for the future.
29 April 2024 Read More
9 ways to reduce IT costs
One expense that can grow out of control in many businesses is IT. Here are 9 ways to economise on IT spending.
10 August 2023 Read More
Reviewing Costs to Increase Cash and Drive Profits
In this short article, we look at 8 Best Practices when reviewing business expenses.
03 July 2023 Read More
cloud accounting
5 tips for Xero users
Did you know that Xero has an inbuilt calculator? Are you across Xero's inbuilt timesaver features? Across useful ways to use contact groups? Read on for five tips shared by Xero partners that featured in 2022's Xero product updates.
09 December 2022 Read More
GST invoicing changes are coming
New rules modernising GST invoicing and record-keeping requirements will apply from 1 April 2023.
19 September 2022 Read More
cash flow
How businesses with accurate data insights are surviving inflation
Whilst this is an Australian article, it has key messages for all small and medium businesses either side of the Tasman.
17 August 2022 Read More
business owners
Five big things on business owners’ minds in 2022
While this pandemic remains the largest issue business owners face, that doesn’t mean that leading issues pre-Covid have disappeared. The challenges we face are compound and varied, according to Kirk Hope.
08 February 2022 Read More
Business plans help businesses prosper
Business Plans are like maps for tourists. You need a plan for where you’re going to go, what you want to look at, where you’re going to stay and, if you deviate off track, you need to be able to identify where you are and then navigate to get back onto your original path. Planning a business activity is very similar.
12 July 2021 Read More
cash flow
Precise Cash Flow Management: Best Practices
Improving your cash position brings opportunities and reduces business risk. In the absence of equity and debt financing, alternative cash-flow management strategies can make a positive difference.  These ideas will not apply to ALL businesses but perhaps there are some you can implement. 
05 October 2020 Read More
Six ways small businesses can prepare for a reduction in government support
There’s no doubt that small businesses are doing it tough as a result of COVID-19. But through planning, considering the impacts of the pandemic on others throughout their demand chain, and preparation small business owners can find navigate their way to better days.
03 August 2020 Read More
cost accounting
Breaking Old Habits to Drive Costs Down
Old habits may be keeping your business from maximising profitability. Breaking these habits will strengthen the business. Your accountants are well-placed to help you change since we deal with the relevant numbers, can perform the analysis and can make actionable recommendations. Don’t get stuck with old bad habits, especially where there are opportunities to quickly improve the bottom line.
13 January 2020 Read More
27 July 2024 Read More