The Business Advisory Blog

The Business Advisory Blog

Insight, news and updates from Alliott NZ Chartered Accountants, Auckland New Zealand. The views expressed here are the views of the author and should be discussed in further detail should an article be relevant to your individual circumstances.

While every effort has been made to provide valuable, useful information in this publication, this firm and any related suppliers or associated companies accept no responsibility or any form of liability from reliance upon or use of its contents. Any suggestions should be considered carefully within your own particular circumstances, as they are intended as general information only.

Reengineering Your Business for Profit and Sustainability
Business Reengineering usually means eliminating activities or processes which are not adding value. In some cases, they will be substituted with better processes. This is challenging because changing the way a business acts and thinks is complex. Here’s a reengineering process which can help improve profitability and business resilience.
16 November 2022 Read More
Chief financial officer
The Finance Function
What does it mean to have a strategic finance function? Led by an experienced and skilled Chief Financial Officer (CFO), we consider some of their priorities.
31 January 2022 Read More
business owners
The Evolving Role of Leadership
How are the leaders in your business doing? Perhaps they are thriving in these business conditions or maybe a different approach is required. In this article, we look at some leadership skills which are proving to be really valuable as businesses find a path forward this year and beyond.
30 August 2021 Read More
cost accounting
2021 Business Planning
Business leaders are looking ahead to next year and considering what to prioritise. Data can play an important part in these decisions… provided it is used wisely. Our article contains ideas on how data can explain the drivers of your business and where you should focus your efforts.
07 December 2020 Read More
Put your own oxygen mask on first
By adopting buffering strategies, business leaders are not only helping themselves but they’re also helping their teams gain focus and clarity.
19 October 2020 Read More
customer experience
Business Resilience: Focusing on the Priorities
Do you know where to focus your energy in your business? How to identify the key drivers of your business success? Our article will help you to prioritise the initiatives that will make a difference.
21 September 2020 Read More
cash flow
From COVID-19 Survival to Resilience
Survival has been on the minds of many leaders recently. But businesses are shifting their focus to resilience. What does it take to build businesses that can survive AND thrive in the longer term? Past methods may not work as well in the ‘new’ environment. Then again, what will really change? In this article, we’ll look at some attributes of resilient businesses.
18 May 2020 Read More
Tips for driving in France
We dropped off our little rental car after 3 weeks driving in France safe and sound. A few hairy and interesting moments while driving but pretty confident now on the French roads! Here are my top tips.
11 December 2019 Read More
3 drivers of strategy
Our article explains the 3 core elements that drive strategy and how you can get them into your business.
01 October 2018 Read More
27 July 2024 Read More