The Business Advisory Blog

The Business Advisory Blog

Insight, news and updates from Alliott NZ Chartered Accountants, Auckland New Zealand. The views expressed here are the views of the author and should be discussed in further detail should an article be relevant to your individual circumstances.

While every effort has been made to provide valuable, useful information in this publication, this firm and any related suppliers or associated companies accept no responsibility or any form of liability from reliance upon or use of its contents. Any suggestions should be considered carefully within your own particular circumstances, as they are intended as general information only.

Business policy changes coming in 2024
With New Zealand's Prime Minister having his feet firmly under the table, what major policy changes will affect your business?
24 January 2024 Read More
KPIs important management tools
Need to update or develop KPIs for your business? See how to use KPIs as important business management tools.
09 May 2023 Read More
Reengineering Your Business for Profit and Sustainability
Business Reengineering usually means eliminating activities or processes which are not adding value. In some cases, they will be substituted with better processes. This is challenging because changing the way a business acts and thinks is complex. Here’s a reengineering process which can help improve profitability and business resilience.
16 November 2022 Read More
Understanding Volatility in Your Business
It is important to identify and understand the causes of the volatility in your business and develop a plan to deal with it.
27 July 2022 Read More
Business plans help businesses prosper
Business Plans are like maps for tourists. You need a plan for where you’re going to go, what you want to look at, where you’re going to stay and, if you deviate off track, you need to be able to identify where you are and then navigate to get back onto your original path. Planning a business activity is very similar.
12 July 2021 Read More
cash flow
Business Resilience Through Precise Cash Flow Management
Managing cash flow is not a financial challenge. It is a business challenge and resilient businesses will base their assumptions on a good understanding of the market, the business goals and business priorities. 
17 August 2020 Read More
Six ways small businesses can prepare for a reduction in government support
There’s no doubt that small businesses are doing it tough as a result of COVID-19. But through planning, considering the impacts of the pandemic on others throughout their demand chain, and preparation small business owners can find navigate their way to better days.
03 August 2020 Read More
best practice
The CFO - A Vital Role in the Cockpit of Your Business
We explain the role of a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and why it is important in a business. Best practices in managing your accounting function are listed as well as ideas on appointing a Virtual CFO to ensure strategic oversight of your finances.
02 May 2019 Read More
Meaningful accounting data to drive sales
Accessing and analysing your business data used to be considered a luxury. But now it’s a necessity. Work with us to ensure you have your data at your fingertips, so you can make the best possible business decisions.
25 February 2019 Read More
Goal setting
Goals, Strategy and Plans
In 2019 we encourage and help our clients to take the time to do some serious planning using these simple ten steps.
11 February 2019 Read More
2019 business planning
Happy New Year! Although many do possess business skills, financial acumen is rarely high among them. In this article, we list three common financial mistakes that we observe frequently.
14 January 2019 Read More
business sale or succession
NZ business succession planning
A tidal wave of small business owners in New Zealand are looking to retire or sell their business over the next five to ten years. Read on to get Xero's free report to help maximise the value of your business if you are looking to exit the workforce.
07 February 2018 Read More
27 July 2024 Read More