The Business Advisory Blog

The Business Advisory Blog

Insight, news and updates from Alliott NZ Chartered Accountants, Auckland New Zealand. The views expressed here are the views of the author and should be discussed in further detail should an article be relevant to your individual circumstances.

While every effort has been made to provide valuable, useful information in this publication, this firm and any related suppliers or associated companies accept no responsibility or any form of liability from reliance upon or use of its contents. Any suggestions should be considered carefully within your own particular circumstances, as they are intended as general information only.

Vanessa Williams
Published on

10 benefits of outsourcing your payroll to Alliotts

At Alliott NZ, we provide a payroll service to a number of our business clients, with team members skilled in all aspects of payroll.

Often in a small or medium business, the business owner either does the payroll or they employ someone to do so in an attempt to save costs. While on the face of it may seem like it, there are hidden employee costs, continuity issues, and even costly payroll errors which can mean it is more expensive.

There have also been a number of changes to employment legislation over the last few years, so it is important to get the payroll correct the first time.

Here are the 10 benefits of outsourcing your payroll to Alliotts:

  1. You will have a trained payroll professional who is across the latest employment laws doing your payroll. This helps provides peace of mind and avoids any costly payroll errors.
  2. Employing someone to do the payroll often has hidden costs on top of their wage or salary like:
    • Kiwi-Saver
    • Holiday Pay
    • Sick Pay
    • Staff Costs
    • Time and effort managing the employee
    • Replacement and recruitment Costs
  3. Alliott NZ’s payroll service is continuous and reliable at all times throughout the year so there is no worry if you (or your employee who does the payroll) are sick or on leave.
  4. We also use online payroll systems like Smartly or Xero so there is access for our clients at any time and your data is secure.
  5. We handle all your payroll tax filing requirements and send reminders for any PAYE payments.
  6. As a business owner if you are doing payroll yourself our service will free up more time to concentrate on your business.
  7. As your accountants, we understand your business and can also assist with the integration of the payroll entries into your accounting system.
  8. We provide confidentially for the payroll and owner salaries.
  9. We have the flexibility to grow with your business and our service can easily be scaled up and down.
  10. Our payroll service can be cancelled at any time without any additional costs, and we do not require a service agreement unlike some outsourced payroll organisations.

We would be happy to have a discussion with you on your payroll requirements to see how we can be of help!

Need payroll processing assistance in your business? Contact Alliott NZ's team of Chartered Accountants in Auckland on 09 520 9200.

Topics: business owners data employees employers employment leave entitlement outsourcing Payroll small business Xero