The Business Advisory Blog

The Business Advisory Blog

Insight, news and updates from Alliott NZ Chartered Accountants, Auckland New Zealand. The views expressed here are the views of the author and should be discussed in further detail should an article be relevant to your individual circumstances.

While every effort has been made to provide valuable, useful information in this publication, this firm and any related suppliers or associated companies accept no responsibility or any form of liability from reliance upon or use of its contents. Any suggestions should be considered carefully within your own particular circumstances, as they are intended as general information only.

Vanessa Williams
Published on

Unveiling the Future of Global Collaboration

The 2023 Worldwide Conference hosted by Alliott Global Alliance (AGA) in Athens was nothing short of spectacular, bringing together 155 delegates from 49 countries – an historic turnout for our worldwide professional network of accountants and lawyers.

Alliott NZ Directors Greg Millar and Vanessa Williams attended the conference over its four days in October with other APAC and ANZAC professional firms.

“Attending the Alliott Global Alliance worldwide conference in Athens provided a wonderful opportunity to network and learn with both accounting and legal members,” they said.

Beyond Boundaries Engagement and Collaboration

The levels of engagement and collaboration experienced at the conference were unparalleled. Attendees demonstrated readiness to confront the challenges of the future by tapping into the alliance and each other's professional expertise, business acumen, innovations and resources.

The exchange of insights covered a wide array of topics, including succession planning, business development, AI, cybersecurity, leadership, pricing, and fear and crisis management.

The inaugural Excellence Awards were a highlight, celebrating the remarkable achievements of our members, and showcasing the diverse talents within AGA.

Keynote Takeaways: Paving the Path Forward

The CEO’s keynote address painted a forward-looking vision, promoting continued organic growth, agility to adaptability, and commitment to a collaborative and innovative spirit within AGA. While acknowledging the value of heritage and core values, the CEO stressed the necessity for AGA to evolve continually to remain pertinent in the ever-changing global landscape.

The pivotal shift towards a more proactive, collaborative culture emerged as a recurrent theme. AGA's five strategic goals were highlighted, emphasising the creation of more business opportunities, maximizing human resources, effective knowledge transfer, sharing innovations and building a stronger brand identity.

The CEO celebrated the growing collaboration within AGA, citing a substantial increase in multi-firm/country proposals and a robust referral network. Service excellence was emphasised, encouraging members to extend a metaphorical red carpet to fellow members and their clients, fostering a culture of generosity and responsiveness. In addressing challenges, members were urged to find solutions for core services outside their expertise but within the AGA network.

The stage is set for the next chapter as AGA announced Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, as the venue for the worldwide conference in November 2024.

Greg and Vanessa said this marks another pivotal moment for members to come together, exchange insights, and contribute to the thriving global community that is AGA.

“It was exciting to hear the plans of the Alliance and also the large global projects many of our colleagues are undertaking with their clients.”

“With the Alliott Global Alliance now in 96 countries and 251 cities, the opportunities for our clients to grow their businesses internationally with great support is better than ever.”

Take your business to the next level with help from our experienced team of Chartered Accountants and Business Advisors in Auckland

Alliott NZ is a member of Alliott Global Alliance, a worldwide alliance of independent accounting, consulting and law firms. For any business considering expansion into a new market, an understanding of the local economy and culture is essential. Through the partner-led service that member firms within Alliott Global provide, our clients have access to a constant contact point enabling a better understanding of their business needs.
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Topics: accounting Alliott Global Alliance artificial intel business cybersecurity leadership management Price succession